Technical Game Designer

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Unity / C#

Lead Programmer
Made in our free time with other classmates in the Game Design & Art Collaboration organization at UCSC, SuperBall is a turn based RPG action game centered around a socity’s remake of dodgeball. It follows Shiro Smith, a high school transfer student who gets rapidly wrapped up in a city-wide dodgeball tournament, making friends while also competing for the championship cup. Throughout her training, she gets the opportunity to talk to and battle other rival schools who challenge her skills and eventually face her brother in the championships.
I took the role of the Lead Programmer and wrote the all character scripts and assisted with the core combat integrations. I also was very involved in the design flow and implementation of the assets of the sound and art team. This project taught me a lot about team communication and how to implement effective version control and team-specific deadlines.
I made this with a variety of other people from my school, some of which are not on Portfolium or do not want to be linked. I had the help from all my teamates on the Sound, Design, Art, and Programming teams and could not have done this without them
Gameplay Media
Original Score Composed By Our Team
Showcase of art style and gameplay.
I made this with a variety of other people from my school. I had the help of all my teammates on the Sound, Design, Art, and Programming teams and could not have done this without them.